First Holy Communion or First Eucharist is one of the three Sacraments of Initiation. It is the Body and Blood of Jesus Christ Himself, the food in our journey of faith. We, in the community of Saint Joseph, are happy that you have chosen our Parish to guide you in your child’s sacramental journey.
Virtual Classes
Welcome to St. Joseph Parish! We appreciate your interest in enrolling to our Religious Education Program. Due to COVID-19, we will be having our Catechism classes through video conference. We will call this session School of Faith at Home.
Adapting to new times and our new reality, but above all, making God present, parents are the witnesses of the Faith in our daily life and our family. Our goal is to assist you in helping your children grow in our Faith. The children will realize that Jesus Christ is present in God’s word, in the Mass, in the Eucharist, and the church community.
The Vision of this Virtual Session School of Faith at Home is to create a commitment and cohesion as a working team; between the Parents and the Church (Pastor, Associate Pastors, and Coordinators of Religious Education) and Catechists.

Objective: Teach and share with parents the fundamentals of our Catholic faith. So that through their commitment, they can share their gift of faith as a family.
Class Format

Click here to visit the official Zoom site or click on the following tabs to download it on your phone.
Classes will be transmitted through Zoom and start at 7:00 p.m. You do not need to pay for Zoom in order to log in. We do remind you that the parent and student must both be present.
We recommend taking the class through a laptop/desktop, but if you do not have one then you can download the app through your phone.
We ask that you log in at least 5 minutes before the class begins.
Classes will be offered in both Spanish and English, you will choose a date you wish to attend during the registration process. Options are:
Friday: 7:50 p.m. - 9:00 p.m.
Registration Prerequisites
Choose a date for your Virtual Orientation Class. You can find available times in the registration form.
Read and sign the document: “My Commitment as a Parent.”(Found in the registration form below).
Attend a Retreat. More information later this year.
Fill out and complete the registration form.
There is an $85.00 donation. Due to the classes being virtual and no expense of a book, then there will be a $15 discount. The donation for this virtual class is $70.00 This donation helps us pay some of the expenses such as electricity, Internet service, Zoom memberships, digital materials, and be able to offer the Religious Education session virtually.

There are three ways to make your donation.
Bring it to the Parish Center.
Mail it to our Parish, please include your child's name in the notes area.
Pay online through our WeShare online giving program. (Select First Communion Registration)
Can't make a payment right now? Call the Parish Center to discuss a payment plan.